ilustracion , lienzos ,graffiti y decoracion mural


The Meeting Of Styles Mexico has always been a vital part of MOS since its beginning. Also this year the global event series made it to some exotic destinations with impressive walls being created by the tops of the pops and international guests.

04-06 October 2019 – Acapulco

Acapulco de Juárez is a city, municipality and major seaport in the state of Guerrero on the Pacific coast of Mexico, 380 kilometres (240 mi) south of Mexico City. Acapulco is located on a deep, semicircular bay and has been a port since the early colonial period of Mexico’s history.

12-13 October 2019 – Mexico DF

The 2009 estimated population for the city proper was around 8.84 million people. According to the most recent definition agreed upon by the federal and state governments, the Greater Mexico City population is 21.2 million people making it the largest metropolitan area in the western hemisphere, the third largest agglomeration and the largest Spanish-speaking city in the world.

19-20 October 2019 – Playa Del Carmen

Playa Del Carmen south of Cancun is a nice chill party town which has been part of MOS for recent years. Here you can enjoy great mexican kitchen and the pure waters and flavours of the Riviera Maya.

This year's MEETING OF STYLES (MOS) MEXICO was accompanied by two groundbreaking changes: the grand opening of MOLOTOW Mexico (MX) and the launch of MOLOTOW PREMIUM in Mexico.

The event took place from the 5th till the 20th of October. From the first stop Acapulco over Mexico City to Playa Del Carmen numerous international artists attended the MOS.

On the occassion of the launch of MOLOTOW PREMIUM at the Mexican market http://MOLOTOW.MX sponsored more than 1.000 cans!


Mural por: Ray Gas (

Video & edit: Poligrafitus (

'Lost Cause', by Regular Gonzales (
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA (
No changes made to the song

DISONANCIA por Miedo12 & Emak

"La disonancia o falta de correspondencia, conformidad o igualdad entre los elementos aplicada al graffiti, con el propósito de experimentar y crear una armonía... Un resultado distinto al graffiti clásico.
Intentando evolucionar hacia nuevas formas, experimentado y aprovechándonos del efecto visual que causa un sutil movimiento de las capas alphas, evocando a las interferencia de las cartas de ajuste de los televisores. Experimentar para conseguir una sorpresa que conlleve todos los elementos ortodoxos del graffiti master pieces... En definitiva improvisación controlada." Miedo 12

Edit / edición:
Poligrafitus (

Poligrafitus & Miedo 12

Music / música:
Rainbows Are Free - Are You Dead (Believers In Medicine, 2010)

 Artists / artistas:

Emak (

Juan2 Bonzai Miedo12 - Alfreshco 2016

On 2016 summer Bonzai, Miedo12 and Juan2 went to Alfreshco paint shop and painted one wall together. This is the proccess of it and result.

'12+1' PROJECT: MIEDO 12

The "12+1" project recuperates the graffiti essence with a very particular guest: Miedo12. A writer based in Valencia who's characterized by an elaborate wildstyle which is always accompanied by comic style illustrations.

Contorno Urbano:
Clara Antón:
David B. Rock:
Music: Philae - Olivaw

2045 - Making Off

Process from the graffiti mural called 2045 painted by Miedo12 and Juan2 in Valencia (Spain) in 2015.

Miedo12 meets UK

On the summer of 2014, Miedo12 (Spain) visit Juan2, spanish graffiti artist based in London. This video show the walls done at Stockwell Hall of Fame in London and the visit and wall painted alongside Bonzai at the shop in Cambridge.

Tretze Miedo Bonzai, Sbd City

Video by Miregraphy ft. Nerea Garcia

Entrevistas 100grados - Miedo12

Miedo12, nuestra portada del fanzine número14 "cambios" nos abre las puertas de su casa y estudio para entrevistarle. Nos hablará de él, de su experiencia, sus vivencias y su trabajo.


Rebel Phantom & Miedo 12 BN CREW VALENCIA - 2010

Málaga BulevArt 2013 Diom & Miedo12

Dear productions

Diom & Miedo12

Entrevistas 100grados - Los trabajos de Miedo12

Miedo12, nuestra portada del fanzine número14 "cambios" En este video nos enseña sus trabajos y proyectos más molones.


A old video make in 2009 Miedo 12 & Rebel Phantom BN CREW Valencia 2009

BN CREW 15 Years

A wall with... Rebel Phantom & Miedo 12 BN CREW Valencia - 2011

MIEDO12 X True Skills 2012

Another great wall from our Spanish brother MIEDO12! Super fresh and super funky!